Will Baking Soda Kill Rats?

Unlike mice and cats, rats are not sensitive to baking soda. Although it is a natural poison, it can cause intestinal blockages and ruptures. Rats need about two grams of baking soda to die, so this poison will be hard for them to ingest in one sitting. It is also difficult to mix baking soda with food, so rats will usually avoid it. However, if you use this poison, you should replace it often.

One of the reasons why baking soda is effective in killing rats is because it reacts with rat stomach acid to produce carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide gas will cause the rat’s stomach to enlarge and press against other organs, eventually killing it. To prevent this, you should regularly check the bowls for a few days. You can also add sugar to the food, or spray the area at least once a week.

Another way to kill rats is by placing cups of vinegar. These cups can be placed in areas with heavy rat activity, such as behind appliances and furniture. If the room is large enough, multiple vinegar cups can be used to protect the area. The vinegar should be replaced every week, and it is important to keep the area well ventilated.

Although baking soda is effective in killing rats, it will not kill them with one or two drops. A higher concentration is necessary to kill the pest completely. Also, you should monitor the area for rat activity. Using traps can be helpful in determining the exact location where the rats are hiding.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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