Why Rats Make Good Pets

Rats make good pets for a variety of reasons. They are social animals that have high intelligence and are great problem solvers. They also exhibit social behaviors like empathy, regret, reciprocation of favors, and strategizing. They can also adapt to a variety of environments. Their brains are also similar to those of humans.

Rats can form a close bond with children. They can be trained and socialized at a young age. The companionship provided by a rat can be rewarding for children. They can also be carried around in a jumper. Young children can pick up the rat, but it is important to supervise them to avoid injuring the rat.

Rats are very intelligent and can be taught tricks. They can also play games with their owners. Scientists have also shown that rats are good at empathy, and they have been known to bring food to their companions when they are ill. In some tests, rats have outperformed humans in certain cognitive tasks.

Rats are also one of the least picky rodents. They will eat almost anything, though dairy products and sugary foods are not good for their health. Rats like green plants and vegetables, and most will happily eat meat and pasta.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!