Why Do Rats Leave Droppings?

If you suspect that you have a rat infestation, you may have noticed droppings all over your home. You can find them in areas such as under sinks and cupboards. You can also find them near food and garbage areas. If you find them in multiple locations, you should call in a professional pest control company to remove them safely.

Not only do rats leave droppings, but they also carry diseases and parasites. The worst of these is the rat-bite fever, which can kill as many as 10 percent of people who contract it. Even worse, the rat’s droppings can spread the virus. It can be transmitted through the air, as well, so you should stay away from your home when you see rat droppings.

A rat’s droppings look similar to other items, including coffee beans, raisins, and large pieces of rice. However, rat droppings are more distinct from those of cockroaches. A rat’s feces are usually dark in color, whereas a cockroach’s poop will be lighter in color and dust-covered.

When rats enter your home, they will leave droppings wherever they spend most of their time. This includes their nesting and eating places. If you discover droppings on your floors or surfaces, you should clean them thoroughly. However, you should not try to pick up the droppings yourself. They contain disease-causing organisms and should be dealt with quickly.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!