Where Do Rats Nest Outside?

The first sign that you might have a rat infestation is the presence of a rat’s nest in your home. It can be difficult to spot, however. Rats use many different materials to make their nests. The nest typically looks like a ball that is four to six inches in diameter.

Rats often choose to make their nests in areas that are dry and shaded. This means that your decking, shed, or outbuilding could be a good place for them to find shelter. During the winter months, they will be less likely to be noticed nesting in these areas. Garden junk such as half-used bags of fertiliser or old wellies could also be attractive to rats.

Although rats are known to nest in a variety of places, they generally prefer places with sandy soil, and are usually close to a food or water source. Their burrows are usually concealed under dense vegetation and are two to four inches wide. Burrow entrances are typically smooth, as a result of the rat’s belly rubbing against them. Rats also prefer to use the same paths to travel to food and water sources, which is why you will notice paths in your yard.

If you suspect rats, you should search the area for droppings. The droppings will look like dark, fat grains of rice. These droppings may contain disease or lead to the discovery of a rat’s nest. Rat urine will smell like ammonia, particularly in outbuildings.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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