Where Do Rats Live Outside?

Rats have long been a nuisance to humans. They are not only pests, but also carriers of diseases. Additionally, they can destroy food reserves. Rats are able to survive in a variety of climates. Although they tend to be active at night, they can also be active during the day. While some people believe that they hibernate in winter, the truth is that rats tend to cut back on their activity to conserve energy.

Rats can make their home easily in gardens. The plants in gardens provide them with food and a hiding place from predators. They also like to build burrows. They can also create shelter under the foundation of buildings. Rats can even survive in overgrown areas of gardens. Getting rid of garden clutter can help keep the rats out of your home.

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of a rat infestation. One of the most effective ways is to clean the nests with bleach. This chemical will kill any viruses and diseases present in the nest. Be sure to soak the droppings in bleach for at least ten minutes before removing them. Another option is to place the nest itself in a contractor’s garbage bag and put it in an outdoor garbage bin. If you do decide to take on the problem of rats, make sure to protect yourself with a face mask and rubber gloves.

Most rats find a warm place to live during the cold season. These areas are usually located close to homes, such as barns or other outdoor shelters. During cold winters, they tend to dig burrows to keep warm. These burrows are often under the walls of houses, near electrical and natural gas lines, or under other objects. In some cases, rats can even burrow through homes.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!