Where Do Kangaroo Rats Live?

If you’ve ever wondered where do kangaroo rats live, then you have come to the right place. These rodents thrive in the arid and desert regions of Australia and New Zealand. Although their diet is predominantly plant-based, they also eat insects, grubs, larvae, and seeds. Their metabolism is unique, and they’re able to survive on little to no water.

They thrive in arid habitats and desert areas, and they tend to live near sand dunes and creosote flats. Desert kangaroo rats have similar habitats to those of the Arizona pocket mouse, which live in open, arid areas with sparse vegetation. They meet their water needs by oxidizing fat within their body.

Kangaroo rats are mostly nocturnal and avoid the outdoors during full moons, as more light from the moon can cause them to retreat underground. In some areas, they limit their activity above ground to just two hours per day. During the day, they stay in cool burrows and seal their burrow entrances with soil. When they’re not busy digging, they wander around their territory and attempt to fill their cheek pouches with seeds.

Kangaroo rats are desert dwellers, and their diet is composed of seeds, nuts, and grasses. They also eat insects and seeds, and burrow in the dirt or sand during the day. Their main predators include owls, snakes, badgers, and ringtails.

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