When Do Rats Have Babies?

The age at which rats give birth depends on their genetics and environment. However, it is possible for female rats to give birth at any time. In some instances, older female rats have given birth to babies at the age of over two years. This happened because owners of old male rats thought that female rats were past the breeding age and housed them together. The result was more than thirty baby rats.

The mother rat usually stays in the nest and comes out when she needs food. During pregnancy, it is important to provide a special diet for the new mother. It is best to give her yoghurt or cheese. Some female rats may become aggressive during labor. If this happens, veterinarians may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

The young females tend to have smaller litters and mothers that are smaller than their siblings. Fancy breeders, however, usually wait for their females to be at least four months old and nine to twelve ounces. This allows them to monitor their potential mothers’ temperament and health. Breeding females for at least a year has not been associated with any problems during pregnancy.

In captivity, rats are highly reproducible and have the capacity to breed continuously. Female rats produce an average of five litters a year, each containing on average eight babies. During its lifetime, a typical female rat will give birth to around 40 babies. The gestation period is approximately 21 to 23 days. Moreover, female rats can become pregnant as early as 48 hours after giving birth. These characteristics make it easy for a rat to establish a full infestation in a short time.

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