What Temperature is Too Hot For Rats?

Rats are quite active animals, and when they are hot, they will try to cool themselves by sprawling across the cage. It’s a good idea to provide your pet with cool towels or ice cubes to drink in the cage. However, be sure to replenish their water bowls frequently.

Rats will get uncomfortable at temperatures of about 80 degrees with no humidity. One simple way to cool the rat cage without introducing any chemicals is by using frozen water bottles or marble tiles from Home Depot. Put these things inside the cage, and within an hour, the temperature will drop considerably. You can also use fans to keep the rat cage cool during the summertime.

Rats can’t verbally communicate when they’re uncomfortable, so it’s important to know what temperature is too hot for your pet. A good rule of thumb is to keep the temperature between eighty-three and ninety degrees. If your rat’s temperature gets too high, it may be suffering from dehydration or heat stroke, which can be fatal. Unlike humans, rats do not have sweat glands, so they regulate their body temperature with blood vessels in their tails. If your rat is experiencing heatstroke, make sure you get it to a veterinarian immediately.

Rats can’t tolerate heat well, and exposure to excessive heat can kill them quickly. Because rats live mostly during the night, they are not adapted to high temperatures and humidity. If your rat can’t tolerate high temperatures, you should consider putting them in an air-conditioned room.

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