What Order Do Rats Belong to?

Rats are a diverse group of rodents. Their size varies according to species, but most species are relatively small. Some species are larger than others, but they are not much larger than mice. The largest species is the Bosavi woolly rat, which was discovered in Papua New Guinea in 2009. Bosavi woolly rats are about the size of cats, and weigh around 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms). Smaller species include the Osgood’s Vietnamese rat, which measures about five to seven inches (12 to 17 cm) long.

Rats are classified in the order Muridae, which includes two-thirds of the world’s rodent species. The family is composed of approximately 300 genera and 18 subfamilies. The two largest subfamilies contain two hundred and twenty-five species. Of these, the Arvicolinae and Gerbillinae comprise about 200 species each. There are also fourteen other subfamilies for different genera.

Rats exhibit various behavioral and biological characteristics, including the ability to mate. They engage in play-fighting and groom each other, and sleep in groups. They also learn about food quality and sources through their sniffing. Their preference for certain foods is learned through this process, and there is no evidence that they can pass on an aversion to a food.

Rats are omnivores, which means they eat all kinds of food. House rats use humans as their primary food source, but brown rats are known to scavenge trash and unprotected food.

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