What Diseases Do Rats Carry That Could Affect Humans?

Rats can carry a variety of diseases that are harmful to humans, and one of these diseases is rabies. This disease is a very serious respiratory disease and can be fatal. The virus is passed from rats to humans through contact with their feces and urine. The best way to avoid being infected with rabies is to eliminate the risk by decontaminating your home.

Rats are also known to carry Hantavirus, which is a gastrointestinal illness. It has no known cure, but it can cause severe symptoms, such as runting, fever, and a lack of appetite. In severe cases, this disease can be fatal if it is not treated promptly.

Rats are also known to carry certain types of bacterial infections, and these can cause illness in humans. Leptospirosis is a bacteria that can be passed to humans through rat urine and saliva. This disease causes flu-like symptoms, as well as muscle pain and fever. The symptoms of leptospirosis are different for each person, but they may include sores on the hands and feet.

Rats may carry several types of zoonotic diseases. They can transmit diseases such as typhoid fever. However, it is rare to contract the disease in developed countries. Despite this, it is important to remember that a rat may come into contact with human faeces through sewers. Furthermore, rats can be carriers of Colorado Tick Fever, a viral disease passed on by a tick. Other types of zoonotic diseases include Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, which is transmitted by an infected sand fly.

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