What Can You Use to Get Rid of Rats?

One way to kill rats is to use glue traps, which are simple boards that are coated with sticky glue. Rats will run across them and become stuck on it when they are trying to escape. The use of glue traps is not without controversy. Some people call them cruel and inhumane, and there are issues with the use of these traps. Rats in these traps could end up starving, thirsting, or even being crushed to death.

Keeping your house and yard clean will help prevent rats from setting up shop in your home. It’s important to remove pet waste and other food sources that may attract them. In addition, you should remove any water source and pet poop that could attract rats. These areas should also be well-lit at night.

Another way to keep rats out of your home is to use a homemade rat poison. This rat poison is very effective and can be made by mixing two cups of regular ammonia with a small amount of detergent. Place this mixture in areas where rats are frequenting to deter them.

Rats are a nuisance, and many homeowners will have to deal with infestations at one time or another. Fortunately, rat control companies are available to help you get rid of rats. These pests are not only annoying but also carry diseases that can affect humans. Keeping a home clean and limiting the food and water source is the first line of defense against a rat infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!