What Bedding Can You Use For Rats?

Rats need bedding that is as dust-free as possible. There are many bedding types available, and you can choose the best one for your pet based on the needs of your rat. Bedding made from recycled cardboard boxes is a good option. Another option is paper bedding. Paper bedding is cheap and easy to change. It is also dust-free, making it the perfect choice for a rat’s cage.

Another cheap alternative is shredded paper. This material is cheap and easy to shred, but the downside is that it can become smelly quickly. However, it is fine for rats that are litter trained. While paper is not the most absorbent material, shredded paper is also a good choice because it will keep rats busy creating nests and paths. Avoid using paper that has been printed with toxic inks, as this can stain the rat’s fur and cause digestive issues.

Fleece bedding is also an option, but you should be careful when buying it. Fleece is a safe fabric for rats, but it is not an ideal choice if your rat is an excessive chewer. Fleece does not absorb urine, so you should purchase a substrate that absorbs urine. In addition, fleece is washable and can be reused. Ensure that your rat is litter trained before using fleece, as stray poops will show up on the surface.

Wood shavings and sawdust are both unsafe bedding for rats. They contain phenols and are not suitable for small animals. Despite their low price and availability, aspen is dust-free and safe. Litter pellets are also a good alternative for rats. You can buy these pellets in large bales, which are great for litter boxes and whole-cage bedding. Just make sure they don’t contain baking soda or clay, as they are not safe for rats.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!