Reasons Why You Should Not Kill Rats

One of the biggest misconceptions about rats is that they are disease carriers. While this is true in some cases, rats are not more dangerous than other animals. In fact, rats have similar personal hygiene to our domesticated pets. So, there’s no reason to kill them right away. Rather, you can use other methods to deal with a problem.

The first method involves removing the rat’s habitat. Rats prefer overgrown areas because they provide them with cover from predators and a good place to build a nest. Therefore, you should remove any source of shelter and clean out any areas that could be a suitable habitat for them. These areas include wood piles, debris, compost piles, dense shrubbery, and ground covers. It’s also recommended to seal any openings that can attract rats.

Another popular reason to not kill rats is their research value. The rat is a valuable model organism because of its large brain and ability to be handled easily. Furthermore, they are cheap and easy to obtain. You can even mail order them. Additionally, they are relatively easy to house in individual boxes in laboratories. These traits make them a cheap and easy alternative to non-human primates.

Many labs use rats for research. In most jurisdictions, this is legal, but it is still not recommended. Most states do not have laws governing the use of dogs in rat control. Despite this, employing dogs in hunting for sport is illegal. Moreover, in the US, the federal government approves the indiscriminate use of most rat poisons. However, new regulations will be implemented in 2012 that will require packaging that prevents pets and children from accessing the poison. In addition, you should never scatter poison around your property.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!