Rats Or Mice – Which Are Better Pets?

Rats are often called little dogs, and they do get along well with people. Rats are very tame and can be trained to perform tricks. Some males are even content to sit on your knee while you watch television. On the other hand, mice are not nearly as affectionate. However, if you like to watch pets, a group of mice may be the perfect pet for you.

Rats and mice are similar species, but one has a few advantages over the other. Rats bond with owners more than mice and enjoy human contact. They can also be trained to perform tricks, which makes them an excellent pet. Compared to mice, rats are easier to handle physically, but they do require lots of attention.

Both rodents need plenty of toys and stimulation to keep them entertained. If you don’t provide enough stimulation for your rats, they will get bored very quickly. You can get puzzle toys for rats, such as egg carton mazes with a treat at the other end. You can also get them tightly packed cardboard tubes with treats inside.

Since mice and rats are social creatures, it is best to keep them in pairs or small groups. It is best to house female rats together, because male rats are aggressive toward their own kind. Also, rats tend to get along with siblings from their childhood. However, male mice may not like a newcomer.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!