Is it Illegal to Shoot Rats With Firearms?

Most people don’t want rats living in their home or business, but there are many ways to get rid of them. Some are more humane than others. However, one question that people often ask is whether it is illegal to shoot rats with firearms. There are some states that allow the use of airguns to kill rats, while others forbid the use of any kind of weapon to kill them. The answer will depend on your particular situation, and the laws in your state.

Most cities and states allow the use of dogs and cats to kill rats, but it is still illegal to shoot them for sport in most parts. Recently, a VICE video showed a few New York City residents actively pursuing rats with their small dogs. The video was so viral that city police officers labeled the residents as vigilantes. While it’s legal to kill rats, the city health department has said that it is not okay to kill them for sport.

A24 traps are also legal in most areas. These traps are similar to common snap traps, but they do not use glue or poison. Most of them are also safe to use in homes.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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