How to Prevent Roof Rats

One of the easiest ways to prevent roof rats is by sealing up holes and cracks in your home’s exterior. You can use caulk to seal up any gaps around windows, electrical outlets, and drain pipe openings. You can also install steel mesh on your roof to keep the rats out. In addition, you can check for signs of roof leakage by looking for excessive moisture in your ceiling, around storage boxes and stored furniture, or in a hole in the ceiling.

Another way to keep roof rats away is to keep your property free of clutter. Rats love to nest in cluttered areas, so keep your property clean at all times and make sure to thoroughly clean your property every week. Rats are attracted to tiny holes in your roof, so it’s essential to seal any holes with silicone caulk. Also, make sure to screen your windows to keep the rats out.

Another way to prevent roof rats from invading your home is to keep their food and water sources out of your home. Rats love to feed on pet food, so avoid leaving it out overnight. It’s also a good idea to store pet food and bulk food in rat-proof containers. Bird feeders can also be problematic, so you should keep them empty after the sun sets. Lastly, make sure that all of your windows are securely screened and that any tree branches that are close to your home are pruned or cut.

If you cannot afford a rat exterminator, you can use natural methods. You can also keep your roof clean by removing debris and removing all bird feeders. Rats are attracted to debris and food, so make sure your roof space is clean and free of these items.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!