How to Keep Rats Out of Your Home

There are numerous ways for rats to enter a home. One way is through a small crack in the wall. Rats are able to squeeze through cracks that are less than an inch wide. They also have the ability to fit through small gaps between pipes or electrical cables. They can even squeeze under doors that don’t reach the floor, such as garage doors with no sweeps.

One way to get rid of rats is to seal up any gaps in your home. If there’s a crack in a foundation, for example, rats can use that as an entrance. Even small exterior cracks should be sealed and repaired. However, if a crack is a two-inch-wide, that’s enough to let rats into the house.

Although mice can’t fit through large gaps, they can squeeze through small cracks. This is because their rib cages are more flexible than those of other mammals. Mice can even fit their heads through these cracks. Mice, however, can easily escape through small holes in the walls and ceiling.

Another way to keep rats out of your home is to install a grate over the top of the chimney. Rats can also enter homes through the chimney, looking for food and warmth. If you notice rats in your chimney, you should have it cleaned professionally. Professionals can remove any nesting materials and install a chimney grate to prevent them from entering your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!