How to Keep Rats Out of Raised Beds

If you want to grow plants in raised beds, you can use hardware cloth, a soft metal wire mesh, to keep out rodents. It is usually made of carbon or stainless steel and will last for years. It is also too tough for burrowing rodents to climb through. If you do encounter rats or mice, hire a pest control company to remove the rodents and prevent future infestations.

First of all, you have to create a rat-proof fence around the vegetable garden. This fence can be made of sisal or woven wire mesh. You can also use large rocks or bricks around the perimeter of the fence. A thicker fence will be more effective. The more layers of fencing around the garden, the lower the chance of rats infesting your plants.

You should also keep your garden clear of debris. Rats thrive on garden waste and food scraps. If you have a compost pile in your garden, make sure to regularly turn it to prevent access to it. Then, spray it to discourage the rodents from using it as a food source. Wood piles and overgrown vegetation are also attractive to rats. Regularly moving wood and removing yard waste will remove these potential hiding places.

Rats also like to gnaw on electrical wiring. If you have outdoor lighting or lawnmower cords, make sure they are unplugged.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!