How to Keep Rats Comfortable in Hot Attics

Rats are used to a wide range of temperatures, and the heat of summer can cause them to seek out cooler spots. However, in the heat of summer, it can be difficult for them to maintain their body temperature and stay hydrated. This makes them uncomfortable in heated attics. Therefore, you must take the necessary precautions to keep them safe.

Rats can’t verbally tell when they are uncomfortable, but they begin displaying symptoms of heat stress at around 82 degrees. If the heat is too extreme, the animal can die. Rats have no sweat glands, but they use blood vessels in their tails to regulate their body temperature. In extreme heat, their tails and feet may become warm, causing them to lick themselves to cool themselves.

Rats love to stretch out their feet and lie down, which can be a sign that the temperature is too high. A hot rat will also sprawl around the cage, grabbing cool spots in the process. Moreover, this can lead to respiratory infections if the rat does not receive fresh air. To keep the cage cool, you can place fans in strategic places, which can distribute the heat. If possible, avoid using fans that are aimed directly at the rat cage, as they can cause a draft.

If you don’t have air conditioning, you should take special precautions to keep the rat cool. For instance, you should place the cage in the coolest room in the house. Keep a thermometer near the cage. In addition, close the curtains during the day and open them at night. Another important precaution is to offer your rat fresh water and food items high in water content.

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