How to Get Rid of Rats Without Poison

There are several ways to get rid of rats, and one of the best is to use food that rats do not like. Onions and garlic, for example, repel rats. You can place them outside the entryway where rats like to hang out. They will rot in about two days, but be aware that rotting onions can be toxic to humans and pets. Another natural method to get rid of rats is to place cocoa powder or plaster of Paris on the entryway. These materials dehydrate the rats, which eventually kills them.

Another natural way to get rid of rats without using poison is to use ammonia. Ammonia is a natural rat repellent and is very effective. To use it, mix two cups of regular ammonia with one cup of detergent. Pour the mixture in areas where you notice rats. The rat will not like the smell.

You can also try removing food and water sources. Make sure that the pet food and water bowls are stored away at night. Another good way to get rid of rats is to keep your pantry lid shut. If these steps are not enough, you may need to hire a professional pest control service to take care of the problem.

Rats are very clever creatures, which is why you should keep them out of your home if possible. These creatures can detect your activities even before you notice them. Often, they come out of their burrows during the night, when humans are asleep.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!