How to Get Rid of Rats That Make Holes in Your Yard

Rats like to build their underground homes in areas where they have cover and protection. If you suspect a rat has made a home in your yard, search for signs of activity around the hole. If you find signs of rat activity, you should take measures to remove it humanely. However, if you don’t want to kill the rat, you can use proactive measures to get rid of them.

Rats often burrow under dense vegetation. You can avoid this problem by trimming your plants and weeds. This will discourage the rodent from using these places as their permanent home. Another good way to discourage rats is to block their entrance to the hole. Using cement or pepper powder may discourage rats from entering your property.

Another effective method is to place ammonia in your garden. Place ammonia in bowls or open containers and leave them near the garden’s edge. The ammonia will eventually evaporate and you can remove them from your yard. Lastly, keep the area of vegetation mowed to minimize the amount of cover they need to find food and shelter.

Besides a bait, you can also use flour as a trap. If you find a nest, you should cover it with a plastic bag to prevent rats from smelling it. If you find holes, you can also cover them with steel wool or copper mesh wire.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!