How to Get Rid of Rats on Your Own

In some cases, it may not be possible to get rid of rats without the help of a professional pest control company. In these situations, you can try non-lethal trapping methods using pet food or pet waste as bait. But you should never attempt to kill the rats manually, since the rodents can carry a variety of diseases. In addition, contact with dead rats can cause respiratory problems.

To determine whether a rat population is causing you problems, you should search for rat footprints. These are not difficult to find – they tend to leave distinct footprints in dusty and contaminated areas. If you find footprints, you can begin to eliminate the problem. Besides rat droppings, you can also find evidence of rat activity in areas where you may not have expected them to be.

Rats are resourceful creatures and are always on the lookout for food on your property. Therefore, it is very important to pick up any food left lying around or thrown away. If you have pets, make sure you store their food indoors. It is not a good idea to leave food outside, either.

The sound of constant scurrying, scratching, and gnawing can be a sign of rat activity. These sounds can be made during the nighttime, when rats tend to be more active. In addition to these sounds, you can also observe daytime rat activity, which could indicate that they are hunting for food and water.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!