How to Feed Wild Birds Without Attracting Rats

You can attract birds into your garden by feeding them. However, this practice can also attract rodents, especially rats. Rats are attracted by food sources, including garbage and natural food items. Therefore, you should be careful not to leave your bird’s food lying around, as this will attract unwanted visitors and provide food for predators.

If you do plan to feed your birds, keep their food sources away from walls and branches. You can also place baffles on the feeders to keep rats out. These cones or domes are fixed onto the poles. This way, rats can’t climb them or get down them.

You should also be careful with the type of bird seed you feed. Cheap bird food often contains filler seeds that birds won’t eat, so you shouldn’t use them. Also, you should choose a feeder that is designed for small seeds, such as thistle. You should also choose a feeder made of metal, rather than fabric, as fabric is more susceptible to being chewed by rodents.

Using native plants to attract birds to your garden is another great way to attract them without attracting rats. These plants are not just attractive to birds, but also provide the nutrients they need to grow. Also, you should consider building a bird bath, which is an easy and enjoyable project for the whole family. You can use tree limbs as the base, while the dish can be made of masonry or removable. You should use native plants when making a bird bath, since these plants are more likely to attract the birds.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!