How Small Are Rats?
One question often asked is, “How small are rats?” Rats aren’t very different from babies. They start out very uncoordinated, which is not surprising because their nervous systems aren’t fully developed. As they grow, however, their coordination begins to increase. They begin to eat and climb better than you would expect.
Rats’ size depends on their body shape, grip, and purchase. Their size can also depend on the substrate they’re living on. In addition, age is a big factor, as a freshly weaned juvenile rat can fit through a smaller hole than an adult. However, adult rats can fit through much larger holes than their smaller counterparts.
Rats have several different species, which vary in size. They typically weigh between half a pound and one pound. They are medium-sized rodents with long tails. These tails often appear hairless, but they are covered in short fine hairs. The average length of a rat is 12 to 16 inches.
Rats are medium-sized rodents with long, thin tails. They are found in many parts of the world, including North America. They are part of the Rodentia family, which also includes mice. The genus Rattus contains 56 species of thin-tailed, medium-sized rodents. The majority of them are native to continental Asia, although several species have spread outside their natural ranges due to human activity.