How Old Can Rats Get?

There’s a myth that rats are immortal, but the truth is that they have a finite lifespan. In fact, pet rats will generally live for about two to three years if they are properly cared for. The lifespan of wild rats is much shorter than that of pet rats, and they would most likely venture out of the cage much sooner.

The age at which female rats give birth varies from rat to rat, but it is generally between nine and twelve months. In some cases, breeding can stop before that time, but older females are still able to bear litters. If the female rat is older than this, however, she might suffer problems in the womb, which can lead to birth defects or difficult pregnancies.

As rats get older, they become less active and exhibit several health problems that are similar to those of aging pets. They lose body weight and overall muscle mass, and their motor functions decline. They may even develop arthritis. Older rats often exhibit stiff joints, weak hind legs, and abnormal tail movements.

Rats can be purchased from pet stores, shelters, and breeders. You can even adopt a rat from a shelter. Just remember to keep an eye out for signs of illness, and don’t forget to keep a healthy environment in which to raise your pet rat.

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