How Neutering a Rat Works

The process of neutering a rat involves making small incisions on either the penis or scrotum, then closing these with sutures and skin glue. After the surgery, most rats are back to normal within 24 hours. During this time, they need to be kept in a quiet and clean environment, and pain meds are given. Afterwards, your rat can go home and recover.

To make sure your rat recovers properly, call a veterinarian for advice. Some veterinarians perform rat spay and neuter procedures at a lower cost than the average, so it pays to do some research. You should also make sure that the vet is experienced in working with rats. Also, don’t forget to follow the instructions for the first day and night after the procedure.

Another benefit of neutering a rat is that they will be less aggressive towards other rats. This is good for your rat’s health, as fighting with others could result in serious injury or even death. Also, neutered males are less likely to mark their territory with urine. This makes them easier to handle, so if you are introducing a new rat to your home, you should consider neutering it.

Once the incisions are closed, you can place your rat back with its friends. You must monitor them carefully, however. If your rat becomes depressed or unable to poop or pee, bring it to the veterinarian immediately. The incision may take several days to heal.

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