How Much Do Rats Weigh?

Rats are medium-sized rodents that have long tails and are found in the order Rodentia. They are generally found in the genus Rattus. However, there are also other genera of rats, including Neotoma, Bandicota, Dipodomys, and others.

Rats’ weights vary from one breed to another. Some breeds, like the Giant Rat, can reach 1,000 grams and the Fancy Rat can reach 350 grams. Female rats weigh less than males, and younger rats weigh less than adult rats. Rats typically gain between 50 and 150 grams during their lifetime.

Rats with excess weight are considered obese. They appear round or pear-shaped, have visible fat, and a significant girth. They are more likely to develop a number of health problems as well. The main treatment for obese rats is increased exercise. However, some rats hide their fat under an outer layer of muscle.

Rats’ weight is determined by several factors. The age and gender of the rat will also determine their size. Male rats tend to be larger than females and have longer tails than their female counterparts. Rats’ weight also varies depending on the species. For example, cloud rats, which are native to the Philippines, can weigh up to four pounds.

A typical rat weighs about 300 grams, about the size of a common mouse. Some individuals can grow larger than this, but this is unusual for domestic specimens.

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