How Much Do Rats Usually Cost?

When considering whether to adopt a rat, the initial outlay can be high. This can be offset by purchasing used equipment or purchasing second-hand cages. A wire rat cage will cost around $30-$180. It should have a solid bottom to keep the rat from snagging its feet. It’s also recommended to buy a bag of bedding, which can cost around $7, but will last for about a month. Make sure to change the bedding weekly.

A pet rat is a relatively inexpensive pet, and is often happier with a pair of companions. Most experts recommend that you get at least one pair, but two is even better. A pet rat will require a cage, bedding, feeding bowls, and other accessories, so keep that in mind when purchasing a pet. Some of these items may be expensive, but are necessary for a healthy rat’s well-being.

Rats are not as common as dogs or cats, so they may not be the best option for everyone. Many apartments don’t allow large pets. However, landlords will often overlook rats that are caged. They won’t chew up the siding or invade the entire house. Moreover, rat breeds derived from wild breeds have more unpredictable behavior.

If you can afford a pet rat, you might consider adopting one from a shelter or rescue. These animals are usually in a need of extra love and attention. Not only will they provide you with much-needed love and affection, but they will also help you prepare yourself for the next rat in need of a new home. You can find these rats at your local SPCA or pet adoption organization.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!