How Long Do Wild Rats Live?

Wild rats have a very short life span, but they are extremely intelligent and highly social. They can develop very close bonds with humans, and they have extremely complex needs. Rats have excellent senses of smell and touch. Typically, they will live about two years, but sometimes they can live longer.

A rat’s lifespan is affected by several factors, including its diet, living conditions, and genetics. In a good habitat, rats can live up to three years. If they are not in a good environment, their lifespan can be significantly reduced. But, in captivity, rats are protected from predation, so their lifespans can be extended.

The average lifespan of a pet rat is about two to three years. If a rat is cared for properly, it can live for more than five years. But you must be prepared to look after your rat for the entire lifecycle. Rats typically develop sexually around a month and a half after birth.

Rats enter the world in litters of six to eleven siblings. They start out blind and bald, but quickly develop into capable rats. They produce litters every two to three months, and each litter produces anywhere from six to twelve babies. After the litters, the rats will need a resting period to recuperate and prepare for the next litter.

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