How Long Do Ugly Rats Live?

The naked mole rat is one of the ugliest animals on Earth. While many consider it adorable, others are disgusted by the sight of it. It has even made its way into the Kim Possible cartoon series. It has a very unique trait, and that trait is its ability to survive without oxygen, a condition known as anoxia.

This rat’s lifespan is much longer than the average mouse. In fact, the naked mole rat can live for over 30 years, making it one of the longest living mammals on the planet. These tiny rodents have long hairless bodies and translucent pink skin. Their lifespan is much longer than that of mice, and they continue to breed even into old age.

These rodents live in underground colonies made up of several dozen rats. Each colony has a queen rat who breeds all the babies. The queen rat will nurse the babies for the first month. The young are about 2 grams (0.07) in weight. These creatures are protected from parasites by their wrinkly skin.

The lifespan of these rats varies depending on how they’re cared for. A properly cared-for rat will reach sexual maturity and overgrow deafness. In a month and a half, they’ll start exploring their surroundings and will eventually be able to interact with other rats. This stage is the crucial stage for reproduction.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!