How Long Do Rats Live Up to?

The lifespan of rats depends on their diet, living conditions, and genetics. A healthy domestic rat can live for two or three years. During the rainy season, they tend to prefer a dry, warm environment. During colder seasons, they may spend more time indoors.

Rats need more water than mice do, but they can survive for a few days without it. Unlike people, rats can survive with a dry diet. Although they cannot live without food for long, they can live without water for a month or so. If you suspect that you have a rat infestation, you should call a professional team to take care of the problem.

Rats reach sexual maturity between six and ten weeks old. They will then breed for about a year. During their reproductive life, female rats can produce five litters. Each litter may consist of four to twelve babies. In a year, a female can produce 50 new rats. Each of these babies will produce offspring once they reach maturity.

A rat’s lifespan is dependent on several factors. Food, water, and shelter are essential for survival. Rats are highly omnivorous, and will eat almost anything they can get their hands on. But if a rat is deprived of food for more than a week, it will die. In addition to being omnivorous, they have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. Therefore, if a rat is deprived of food for more than a week, it will most likely eat whatever is in its reach. Furthermore, they are known to store food, just like chipmunks and squirrels.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!