How Long Do Mole Rats Live?

The answer to the question, “How long do mole rats live?” may surprise you. The average lifespan of a mole rat is around six years. However, the answer can vary. Scientists say that there may be a few factors that contribute to their long lives. For example, mole rats have low insulin levels, which could explain why they age more slowly than their peers.

In addition, the mortality rate of mole rats varies between male and female mole rats. A male mole rat is expected to live longer than a female, since most females forgo reproduction for a significant part of their life. However, the authors don’t tell us how many female mole rats are in the cohort.

Another factor that contributes to the longevity of naked mole rat is its unique ribosomes. These tiny machines are responsible for converting gene instructions into proteins. However, sometimes ribosomes make mistakes, leading to defective proteins in cells and tissue. These faulty proteins may also contribute to age-related diseases.

Researchers studying mole rat longevity believe that the naked mole rat’s molecular machinery could hold the key to the long life of these creatures. Although they do not live as long as humans, these animals have been known to live as long as 30 years. The rat’s longevity may be due to its high protein content and its ability to keep cells healthy for longer. Moreover, they possess a super-sugar molecule that prevents their cells from forming cancerous tumors. Researchers believe that studying the mole rat’s molecular mechanisms can be an important step toward understanding the aging process in humans.

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