How Long Do Domestic Rats Live?
The average domestic rat lives for about two to three years. However, the lifespan of individual rats can vary depending on the breed and overall health of the rodent. While rats can live as long as four years, most won’t make it that long. To answer this question, you need to know more about rat care.
Stress can be harmful to rats and should be avoided. Although small, infrequent stress can make them more resilient, prolonged or extreme stress can lead to PTSD or depression. Common stressors include moving from one home to another, changes in cage groupings, social stress, illness, overcrowding, and the death of a bonded cage mate or significant human caretaker.
Rats have a lifespan of between two and three years in the wild, but a captive rat can live for up to eight years. Rats can produce four to fourteen offspring. Although rats are often considered pests, they can make very loyal pets. Their lifespan is dependent on the amount of care they receive. While rats are born without any senses or the ability to walk, they quickly develop these traits. By the time they are independent, they start to see and haul food.