How Long Are Rats Pregnant?

The female rat undergoes major changes during the final week of pregnancy. During this time, the female will gain weight and develop a rounded abdomen. Pregnant female rats are described by breeders as resembling a tennis ball or an orange. Their hips will also widen. In addition, the skin will stretch to the extent that the fur on their back looks thinner.

Rats are usually able to give birth on their own, although some first-time moms may need assistance. The mother may also experience shock or an obstructed birth. If this happens, a Caesarean section can be performed. However, this procedure is only effective if done early enough.

Although female rats are excellent mothers, they can develop problems if they are under stress. This can occur because of a difficult birth or environmental disturbances. Stress can also be caused by a poor diet. If you notice this behavior in your female rat, you can remove her babies from her cage. But be careful not to press her, as this can damage the fetus.

The female will enter heat 48 hours after giving birth, so it is important that she not be nursing. Moreover, she should be kept apart from opposite sex rats. Furthermore, it is recommended that she wait at least two months after giving birth before attempting to raise a litter.

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