How Large Are Pack Rats?

To estimate their size, look for their tail and body length. They also have large ears and short hairs. Depending on their breeding cycle, pack rats can produce up to five litters a year. Their lifespan is around 2 years. Their sexual maturity occurs early. In less than six weeks, they can reach adulthood.

Pack rats are similar to other rat species and are known for their tendency to gather things from their surroundings. Their habitat covers a 50-foot radius. These animals feed on a variety of materials, including vegetation, branches, insects, bones, and wood. Unlike most rats, they do not feed on human food. They conserve their food and supplies with urine.

A single pack rat will weigh between ten and twenty-one ounces (300-600 g). These rodents are often accompanied by several siblings. However, if you find only one rat, you should contact a rodent control specialist. This animal is highly aggressive and can cause damage to structures, especially if they are crowded together.

These rodents are common throughout North America. They are particularly prevalent in the United States and northern Mexico. They can also be found in western Canada. They live in forests and woodlands, and build elaborate dens made from plant debris. These dens are also used by pack rats to store food. They can also build their dens in caves and rock cavities.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!