How High Can Pet Rats Jump?

Rats have amazing leaping ability, but they have poor eyesight. Without eyesight, they cannot judge the distance they must jump or where they must land. If they miss, they will try again. If they are able to land, they can jump up to fifty feet. Regardless of the distance, rats are very resilient.

Rats can jump horizontally or vertically. They can even leap over fences and trees. They’re very energetic and curious. As such, they’re great climbers. They can also jump from one floor to another. But it’s important to note that rats’ jumping ability isn’t as high as their running speed.

When training rats, always remember that handling them gently is the most important factor. Never pick them up by the tail or other parts of their body. This can be traumatic for the animal. Try to sniff them before picking them up. Place one hand under the rat’s body and the other hand loosely over their back. Never hold a rat too tightly or too high.

Although most people have a misconception about their pets’ jumping capabilities, mice are amazingly good jumpers. Their long tails and strong legs make them capable of a long leap. They can even jump far distances when they are scared of something, which gives them an adrenaline rush. Moreover, mice do not understand the danger of falling, so they can easily jump a long way to escape danger.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!