How Do Rats Make Holes in the Ground?

The first step to eliminate rats is to keep your yard and garden clean. Keep the grass and weeds trimmed and avoid leaving any areas of the yard where rats can dig. Rats can fit through a hole as small as an inch. To prevent rat infestation, fill holes with concrete or wire mesh. To deter rats from entering your yard and garden, you can also use chemical deterrents.

Rats typically make burrows in dense vegetation or under bushes. You can also find burrows inside sheds and barns. Usually, these holes are about two to four inches in diameter with smooth, compacted soil around the opening. They also tend to leave greasy tracks.

A rat can create a large network of underground tunnels. However, their burrows are limited in depth. On average, rats make burrows about half a meter deep. In contrast, moles make holes about one meter deep and can dig up to six meters per hour.

Rats often use burrows to make nests. Their burrows can be as small as a quarter-inch in diameter. If you think your home is protected from rats, you should consider placing mothballs around the area. The mothballs will create a toxic gas that will scare the rodents away and give you enough time to close the hole.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

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