How Can You Put Rats Together?

Rats are known to fight amongst themselves. The fighting can be playful or a battle to establish dominance. If you notice blood on one rat’s tail or ears, separate them. You can also give them a hard dog biscuit every once in a while as a treat. This will keep their teeth and ears clean.

Before introducing a new rat to the existing one, make sure you choose an appropriate cage. A rat’s cage does not have to be too large, and a small one will do. If you put two rats together in the same cage, you risk them developing territorial aggression, which could lead to fights. It can also take up to two weeks for the rats to become friends.

The first introduction should be done slowly. It should be done in neutral territory. The new rat may meet with the resident rat several times a day for a week. They may fight a few times a day, and it will be important to keep an eye on their behavior. If they fight, do not force the issue. The dominant rat must establish dominance before you can introduce the new rat.

If you decide to introduce a new rat to your household, you must take the time to socialize them properly. The main purpose of the introduction is to make them feel safe, and this requires the right techniques. Male rats tend to be more territorial when faced with another adult male, so proper introduction techniques are crucial.

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