How Can We Help Kangaroo Rats?

We must conserve the habitats of kangaroo rats in order to ensure their survival. Their habitats include coastal sage scrubs and open grasslands. Their survival is essential for the larger ecosystem. Unlike mice, kangaroo rats produce their own water through an efficient metabolic process. Their burrows are also a vital part of the ecosystem.

While the Stephens’ kangaroo rat is not in imminent danger of extinction, there is an ongoing threat to its existence. As of today, it is listed as endangered by the Endangered Species Act. Conservation efforts for this species are ongoing. You can learn more about how you can help the Stephens’ kangaroo rat in your area.

Kangaroo rats are nocturnal, and live in burrows in the ground. They use these burrows to store food, such as seeds. They also use their powerful hind legs to kick sand into predators’ faces. Kangaroo rats also have two-meter-long hops, which enable them to flee from danger. In winter, they hibernate in snow, sleeping for seventeen hours at a time. They also eat insects and vegetation.

The USFWS and the Department of Defense are working to conserve the Stephens’ kangaroo rat’s habitat. These conservation efforts should be compatible with livestock production and good rangeland management.

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