How Can I Get Rid of Rats?

If you have a rat problem in your home, you should know how to get rid of them safely. Firstly, you should make sure that you wear a surgical mask when handling dead rats. Then, place the body in a plastic bag and tie it up. Another plastic bag should be tied on top of the first to contain the gasses that are emitted by the animal. Afterwards, you should throw away the body in an outdoor trash bin. Remember to lock the trash can to prevent scavengers from getting it.

Rats are small creatures and can squeeze through holes as small as one-quarter inch or less. Therefore, you should make sure that any gaps are filled with a material that is not chewed by rodents. Another way to prevent rat infestation is to make sure that the area around the house is well-mowed. Furthermore, if you are growing fruits and vegetables, you should harvest them immediately and remove them from the ground. Additionally, you should also take proper care of the trees in your yard as rats can climb up them.

Rats have the potential to cause irreversible damage to your home. Therefore, it is important to carry out a thorough inspection of your house before you start applying any rat control measures. Look for any obvious entry points, including vents, drains, appliance lines, and other potential entry points. If you discover any of these spots, you can seal them and set traps to get rid of the rats.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!