Does Your Rat Carry Fleas?

In New York City, one of the most common pest problems is rats. These rodents are notorious for carrying fleas, which can spread diseases, including plague and salmonella. Researchers from Cornell University and Columbia University conducted a study of rats and fleas to determine the prevalence of these parasites and the threat they pose to humans.

Fleas are small insects that live on dead skin and animal hair. They can be seen on a rat’s body if it scratched excessively. You can also look for flea feces on a rat’s fur. Flea feces will be red if the fleas have eaten blood. Adult fleas can live for up to one year. They have two eyes and a mouth which they use to inject saliva and draw blood. They are not able to fly, but can jump up to 200 times their own height.

Fleas in rats can be cured with flea treatment. Make sure you consult your veterinarian for the appropriate method. He can identify if fleas are present and prescribe the appropriate medications and products for a flea-free environment. If fleas are found, take care to clean the environment in which the rat lives.

If you suspect your rat has fleas, you must be extra careful while handling him. Remember to handle him with two hands at a time, and always avoid squeezing him or her.

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