Does Bird Seed Attract Rats?

If you’ve been pondering, “Does bird seed attract rats?” then you’re not alone. Rats are an invasive pest, but you don’t have to get rid of them completely. Here are some tips to keep them from taking up residence in your backyard. One of the best ways to deter them is by not allowing them to feed on bird seed.

Place a weight-activated perch below bird feeders, so rats can’t reach them. Also, place the feeders in an open area where rats can’t hide from predators. You should check your bird feeders frequently for damage – rat gnawing or droppings can be a symptom of a rat infestation.

Another tip to deter rats from coming into your yard is to store your bird seed in a sturdy metal container. Rats are not attracted to plastic, so be sure to purchase a container made from metal. A metal container will protect your birdseed from raccoons and rats. A plastic container will only allow the rodents to gnaw through it, so be sure to check before putting your bird seed out.

Make sure to use a seed catcher to catch spilled seeds. This will prevent any bird seed from falling to the ground. You should also choose a feeder with small holes. Avoid feeding your birds with loose seed, as they will be forced to sift the seeds and risk spilling. Some garden birds will discard hard husks of sunflower seeds, which can attract rats.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!