Do Rats Cause a Smell in Your Home?

The rat smell can be extremely unpleasant, but it can be dealt with in many ways. Firstly, make sure your home is ventilated. This is done by running fans to circulate air through the house. You can also use odour absorbent devices or air fresheners to combat the smell. Peppermint oil, for instance, is a natural rat repellent.

Another option is to purchase an enzyme cleaner. These enzyme cleaners can break down compounds that cause the rat’s urine smell. After you buy the cleaner, you should spray it all over surfaces exposed to rats. Leave it for two to three hours and then wipe it off. While these products are effective in getting rid of the smell, they may not remove the smell entirely if you have carpets or other absorbent materials.

Rats often enter a home through a small hole. Once they are in, they will begin to make holes in the floor or walls. These holes are typically circular and around two inches in diameter. These holes are usually inches off the floor. In addition to this, they will leave behind a musk odor.

When the smell starts to develop, it is important to get rid of the rodent as soon as possible. Rodent urine and feces are high in nitrogen, and as a result, they create an unpleasant smell in your home. You can use peppermint oil to repel rats, but make sure you aren’t inhaled it if you’re allergic to it.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!