Do Rats Break Chicken Eggs?

If you have chickens, you may be wondering if rats break chicken eggs. Rats like to eat chicken eggs, but they are also attracted to the feed and water inside the chicken coop. It is advisable to store feed in an airtight container and store it away from the coop. Also, you should keep water sources covered at night. Finally, you should invest in a treadle feeder for your chickens, which can discourage rats from destroying your eggs.

The poisons used against rats are potent and effective, but they are also harmful to chickens and other animals in your yard. You need to make sure that you use the proper type of poison because rats are known to develop immunity to poisons and can even become resistant. It’s also essential to ensure that you change the poison regularly.

If you’re worried about the risk to your chickens, you should consider hiring a pest control company to get rid of the rats. Professional services will usually be more expensive, but they will be more humane and effective. These professionals will use a variety of methods to remove the rats from your home.

Rats are very clever animals when it comes to food. If they smell fresh eggs, they’ll immediately try to eat them. Besides eggs, they’ll eat cooked chicken and fish. Rats also like hard-boiled eggs, and the entire experience is exciting for them.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!