Can You Eat Sewer Rats?

You may be wondering if you can eat sewer rats. This type of rodent lives in sewers and is fed on human remains and waste. They can easily enter your home through drain pipes. This is an excellent food source for rats. However, they aren’t always palatable.

There are many reasons why people might want to avoid eating sewer rats, but the first reason is that consuming them could be harmful. Though rats are considered pests in most places, some cultures have been eating them for centuries. There are many different species that are eaten for their meat. In addition, rats are typically caught wild so that they can be used as food. However, people should avoid eating poisoned rats. The poison can contaminate the meat.

There are some advantages to eating sewer rats. They can be very nutritious, and if they are fully cooked, they taste good. Rat meat is best cooked until it is golden brown in color. Rat meat has a strong gaminess, but is not as sweet as venison. The meat also has a bitter taste.

Rat meat can be purchased in many different places. In Asia, it is popular in rice fields, and locals often cook it for special occasions. It is also available in many parts of the world, including Vietnam and Thailand. In some areas, rat meat is sold in the outskirts of cities. In France, rat meat is considered delicacy, especially when cooked with wine. In Mexico, the dish is called caldo de rata. In many areas, survivalists eat rats for sustenance.

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