Can Rats Kill Birds?

If you’re wondering, “Can rats kill birds?” you’re not alone. The problem with rat poison is that it can also kill birds that aren’t pests. Rat poison can kill birds and other animals, so it’s counter-intuitive to try to keep them away by using it. It’s even counter-intuitive to use rat poison when birds of prey are the ones keeping pest birds away.

One way to get rid of rats is to put peanut butter traps in the garden. Place these traps near dark areas with signs of recent rodent activity. Make sure the traps are around 20 feet apart. These traps will prevent rats from climbing up bird feeders or eating bird food directly. It’s also best to keep bird feeders clean, as stale food will attract rats.

Rats are most likely to attack small birds when they’re starving or facing stiff competition. But they’re not likely to attack adult birds; they prefer chicks and smaller birds. Because rats are great climbers, they can even get into bird nests and steal eggs. You can also prevent rats from destroying your birds’ homes by placing a cage that isn’t conducive to rat breeding.

Rats can reproduce quickly. Female rats can have a litter of five to 12 young in as little as 21 days. Rats also have very strong senses and can easily locate young, sick, and elderly animals. They also have powerful jaws and can subdue small dogs.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!