Can Rats Have Rabies?

Although it is possible to get rabies from a rat bite, the risk is extremely small. Only a few rat species have been known to carry the disease. In addition to that, the virus rarely infects humans. In fact, there have been very few reported cases of rabies transmission from rats to humans.

There are several forms of rabies. Some of them are transmitted only to certain animals, while others are found in multiple species. While rats are not known to have rabies in their wild population, they can carry the disease and pass it on to humans. If you are worried that your rat has rabies, it is important to seek treatment right away.

Even if you find a rat that looks sick, you shouldn’t get close. Rats may look like they are completely healthy, but they could be infected with rabies or another disease. Rats can spread disease through their waste, which may contain hantavirus and other pathogens. They can also bite humans, which can cause rat-bite fever, which kills about ten percent of humans who get bitten.

The first signs of rabies in an animal include a change in behavior. It may appear tame, but may suddenly become aggressive and start biting out of nowhere. A tame rat that has rabies may also be incapable of flying or making a sound because it is paralyzed in the throat. It may also walk unevenly, make strange noises, or drool.

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