Can Rats Give You Scabies?

Although less common than mites, rats can also suffer from scabies. While the infection is not life threatening, it can cause a lot of itching and discomfort. Fortunately, scabies can be easily treated and the itching should stop within a few days. The most common medication is Ivermectin, though alternative products such as Revolution X may also be effective.

The life cycle of a mite involves 23 days, and most of them are harmless under normal conditions. However, when rats become stressed or have a reduced immune system, the number of mites increases, leading to a serious skin infection. Once the mites are present on your skin, it can be difficult to eradicate them, and treatment may only be ineffective and cause reinfestation and dermatitis.

Symptoms of scabies are caused by a sarcoptes mite. These tiny parasites burrow into your skin and cause red, crusty bumps. They are microscopic and live only on rats. If your skin is infested, your veterinarian can prescribe either Revolution or Ivermectin or Mitaban to help relieve the itching.

It is important to get proper treatment for scabies as soon as possible. If you have a severe infestation, treatment can be difficult and can take months to clear. Treatment will involve medication and regular cleaning of clothing and bedding.

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