Can Rats Be Friendly?

Rats can be friendly as long as you give them proper attention. House rats are usually very tame and tend to enjoy human company. They tend to trust humans and are not as sensitive to noises or light as other types of rats. When you want to get one, however, you must know a few things.

Rats are able to form strong bonds with humans and demonstrate their affection in meaningful ways. They may groom themselves, lick them, or even snuggle with them. They are also known to brux their teeth when they are upset. When they brux their teeth, they make a clicking, grinding sound. Eye boggles are also a common sign of rat bruxing. These noises are caused by the jaw muscles that run behind their eyes.

While rats make great pets for both children and adults, they can be depressed when one of their friends dies or if they are bullied by another cage-mate. Despite this, rats are generally cheerful and playful creatures. They can be woken up anytime and seem to enjoy human company. So if you are thinking about getting a pet rat, don’t let their moody behavior put you off.

Rats can be easy to care for and require little maintenance. They are relatively easy to train and require regular physical exercise. They are also highly intelligent and can learn new tricks with minimal supervision. Rats live for around two and a half years. And because they are so social, they’re a great pet for children, but you should always supervise them while handling them.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!