Can Cats Become Friends With Rats?

If you’ve ever wondered if your cat can become friends with rats, you’re not alone. Rats and cats do share similar characteristics. Both species are usually not aggressive towards each other, and cats are a great way to socialize rats. Rats will often wander up to your cat and seem scared, but they’ll usually accept a cat’s invitation to sleep with them. Rats can even become your cat’s friends if they’re well-fed.

Despite this, it’s important to remember that cats and rats are not always a good mix. Whether your cat gets along with a rat or not depends on how well you know each animal. There are a number of risks associated with this combination, and close supervision is essential. Otherwise, it could end up in heartbreak.

Female rats are more active, independent, and interactive with humans. Rats that have been castrated are the most friendly. Rats can have litters every three weeks, so it’s best to purchase a pair of sex-compatible rats from a reputable breeder. However, male rats are more aggressive and dangerous.

Researchers from Fordham University spent five months studying a rat colony in Brooklyn. Initially, they were investigating the effects of pheromones on rat behavior, but their focus soon shifted to cat-rat interactions. During this period, they found that three local cats had ambushed three rats and killed two.

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